Do You Wonder If the Handbag You Bought Is Authentic?
Since employees of the fashion companies are not allowed to give any information about the authenticity and market value of luxury bags, we are happy to take over the verification of authenticity as well as the calculation of the current purchase value or market value for you. For this we work together with an experienced specialist.
We authenticate the following brands:
- Hermès
- Chanel
- Louis Vuitton
- Balenciaga
- Bottega Veneta
- Celine
- Christian Dior
- Valentino
- Yves Saint Laurent
In addition, we offer to test your bags with Entrupy technology. “Superfakes” can be so accurate that even the most expert eyes have trouble telling the difference. Entrupy’s technology sees things that people can’t, so even the best fakes can’t sneak through. An Entrupy certificate is produced for each authentic item submitted into the Entrupy system. Each Entrupy certificate has a unique link that is hosted on Entrupy’s servers and is backed by Entrupy´s financial guarantee for any incidental losses.
Why authentication with Entrupy technology?
- Highly Accurate, Financially Guaranteed
- Near-100% accuracy rate with added protection against potential financial losses
- Infinitely more secure and scalable than manual solutions
Reproductions, copies or publications of prepared briefs or expert opinions require in any case the revocable written consent of us.
Do you have further questions about our authentication service?
You can contact us by phone, WhatsApp, e-mail or via our contact form.